Florida Association of Resident Registered Nurse Anesthetists (FARRNA)


The purpose of the organization is to create a structure for Registered Nurses studying the science and art of nurse anesthesiology within the state of Florida to assemble, exchange information and build a foundation for career development.

Formed under the sponsorship of the Florida Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (“FANA”), this organization is established to:

  • Serve as a formal means of communication between FANA and nurse anesthesia
  • students/residents attending accredited programs within the state of Florida
  • Encourage sharing and integration of learning opportunities and resources
  • Develop a network resource for career opportunities within the state of Florida
  • Promote understanding, discussion and participation in professional and political health care issues.
  • Provide an opportunity for socialization and communication among peers.
  • Offer students an opportunity to participate in the operation of a professional organization.


FARRNA Leadership

FARRNA Position Descriptions

Florida CRNA Programs

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FANA Partners